"NEXT STEP" transitional program
Our "NEXT STEP" program was created for those clients whoe were observed to benefit from a program transitioning them back to a more independent lifestyle. The Lemons Center had client who had completed the 6 week program and were graduating, yet were occassionally struggling with going back to their life, and/or work without guidance along the way.
The "NEXT STEP" program is for graduates of the Comprehensive Program to meet 1-2 times per week for a total of 10-15 visits depending on an individuals needs. Client receive 4 hours in the NEXT STEP program. 2 hours Psychology and 2 hours with Physical Therapy.
The Psychology portion of the NEXT STEP program will provide support and ongoing instructions for all the stress management tools. We also introduce new information and tools that may have developed since the client's graduation. The program will continue to provide support from the group for those "rough times when the snow is just too deep". At most session, we will do relaxation techniques to continue to improve this skill.
Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy will continue to progress their therapuetic exercises, continue education on safely progressing their own programs, education on exercise facilties to look for in the community, maximize the clients function, and an end goal of being transition to their Home Exercise Program in which they can continue to independently progress in a community environment. The client would also have the option and knowledge of transitioning to a community gym, yoga classes, Tai Chi Classes, or other opportunities of group exercise facilities appropriate for those with Chronic Pain. Physical Therapy will make suggestions on appropriate community program the client would be able to join in continuing to exercise in a healthy social environment.